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The five most important contributions are highlighted in bold. * denotes the corresponding author, and UG denotes the undergraduate author.


Prateek, T. Huang, T. Uchiyama, D.E. Jung, L.D. Verrastro, R. Katsumata, S. Nuguri, A. Bhardwaj, V.J. Einck, J.J. Watkins* “Rapid Thermal Manipulation of Organics for Dense TiO2/Mesoporous SiO2Solution-Processed Bragg Mirrors with High Reflectance,” in preparation (2024)


M.K. Jutze, W.W. Young, J. CombsUG, and R. Katsumata*, “FLIM-FRAP: Near-Simultaneous Characterization of Multi-Scale Polymer Dynamics via Fluorescence Microscopy,” under revision (2024).


S. Asapu, T. Moon, K. Mahalingam, K.G. Eyink, J.N. Pagaduan, R. Zhao, S. Ganguli, R. Katsumata, Q. Xia, R.S. Williams*, and J. J. Yang*, “Accurate Compact Nonlinear Dynamical Model for a Volatile Ferroelectric ZrO2Capacitor,” accepted in npj Unconventional Comuputing (2024). [DOI]


J.N. Pagaduan, N. Hight-Huf, L. Zhou, N. Dix, U.I. Premadasa, B. Doughty, T.P. Russell, A. Ramasubramaniam, M. Barnes, R. Katsumata,* and T. Emrick*, “Spatial and Bidirectional Work Function Modulation of Monolayer Graphene with Patterned Polymer Fluorozwitterists,” accepted in ACS Central Science (2024). [DOI]


D. Saha, H.-J. Yu, J. Wang, Prateek, X. Chen, C. Tang, C. Senger, J. N. Pagaduan, R. Katsumata, K.R. Carter, G. Zhou, Peng Bai, N. Wu*, J.J. Watkins*, “Mesoporous Single Atom-Cluster Fe–N/C Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts Synthesized with Bottlebrush Block Copolymer-Templated Rapid Thermal Annealing,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16, 11, 13729–13744 (2024). [DOI]


A.M. Mineo and R. Katsumata*, “Versatile Comonomer Additive for Radically Recyclable Vinyl-derived Polymers,” Angew. Chem., 63, 2, e202316248 (2023). [DOI] (Featured in UMass News)


W.W. Young and R. Katsumata*, “Intermediate Polymer Relaxation Explains the Anomalous Rheology of Nanocomposites with Ultrasmall Attractive POSS Nanoparticles,” ACS Polymer Au, 3, 6, 466–474 (2023). [DOI] (Featured as a part of the Rising Stars collection 2023)


J.N. Pagaduan, A. Bhardwaj, T.Y. McCarty, S. Kraemer, C.J. Kearney, J.J. Watkins, T. Emrick, R. Katsumata*, “Fabrication of Porous Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Networks via Polymer-Assisted Rapid Thermal Annealing,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2310296, (2023). [DOI] (Featured in UMass CNS News)


R. Katsumata*, C. Senger, and J.N. Pagaduan, “Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities in Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA) of Polymers,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 8, 701 (2023). [DOI] (Featured as a MSDE Emerging Investigator)


C. Senger, X. Fan, J. N. Pagaduan, X. Zhang, J. Ping, and R. Katsumata*, “Defect Healing in Graphene via Rapid Thermal Annealing with Polymeric “Nanobandage”,” Small, e2206295 (2023). [DOI]


E.S. Petek and R. Katsumata*, “Open Questions that can Bridge Intermolecular Interactions and Macroscopic Wetting/Dewetting Behaviors of Thin Films,” Macromol. Chem. Phys., 224, 3, 2200375 (2022). [DOI]


E.S. Petek and R. Katsumata*, “Thickness Dependence of Contact Angles in Multilayered Ultrathin Polymer Films,” Macromolecules 55, 17, 7556–7563 (2022). [DOI]


S. Asapu, J. Pagaduan, R. Midya, T. Moon, D. Gao, J. Lee, Q. Wu, M. Barnell, R. Katsumata, Y. Chen, Q. Xia, and J. Yang*, “Large remnant polarization and great reliability characteristics in W/HZO/W ferroelectric capacitors,” Frontiers in Materials 9 (2022). [DOI]


W.W. Young, H. Tabuchi, R. Iguchi, T. Konishi, K. Fukao*, and R. Katsumata*, “A Hidden Relaxation Process in Poly(2-vinylpyridine) Homopolymers, Copolymers, and Nanocomposites,” Macromolecules 55, 15, 6590-6597 (2022). [DOI]


C. Do*, R. Ashkar, C. Boone, W.R. Chen, G. Ehlers, P. Falus, A. Faraone, J.S. Gardner, V. Graves, T. Huegle, R. Katsumata, D. Kent, J.Y.Y. Lin, B. McHargue, B. Olsen, Y. Wang, D. Wilson, Y. Z, “EXPANSE: A Time-of-Flight EXPanded Angle Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer at the Second Target Station of the Spallation Neutron Source,” Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 7, 075107 (2022). [DOI]


N. Hight-Huf+, J.N. Pagaduan+, R. Katsumata, T. Emrick, and M.D. Barnes* “Stabilization of Three-Particle Excitations in Monolayer MoS2 by Fluorinated Methacrylate Polymers,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,13, 21, 4794-4799 (2022). [DOI]


W.W. Young,+ R. Shi+, X.-M. Jia+, H.-J. Qian*, and R. Katsumata*, “Relating Degree of Nanofiller Functionality to Glass Transition Temperature and Structure in a Polymer/POSS Nanocomposite,” Macromolecules, 55, 12, 4891-4898 (2022). (+equally contributing authors) [DOI]


Y. Zhang+, S.P.O. Danielsen, B.C. Popere, A.T. Heitsch, M. Li, P. Trefonas, R.A. Segalman*, and R. Katsumata*,+, “Discrete, shallow doping of semiconductors via cylinder-forming block copolymer self-assembly,” Macromol. Mater. Eng., 307, 2200155 (2022). [DOI] (+equally contributing authors)


J.N. Pagaduan, S. Samitsu, J. VarmaUG, T. Emrick, and R. Katsumata*, “Freeze-Burn: Fabrication of Porous Carbon Networks via Polymer-Templated Rapid Thermal Annealing,” ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 4, 6, 4329–4338 (2022). [DOI] (Featured as an inside cover)


A. Bhardwaj, J.N. Pagaduan, Y-G. Yu, V.J. Einck, S. Nuguri, R. Katsumata, J. Watkins*, “Large-Pore Ordered Mesoporous Turbostratic Carbon Films Prepared Using Rapid Thermal Annealing for High-Performance Micro-pseudocapacitors,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 51, 61027–61038 (2021). [DOI]


W.W. Young, J. SaezUG, and R. Katsumata*, “Rationalizing the Composition Dependence of Glass Transition Temperatures in Amorphous Polymer/POSS Composites,” ACS Macro Lett., 10, 11, 1404-1409 (2021). [DOI] (Featured as an inside cover)


N. Hight-Huf+, Y. Nagar+, A. Levi, Adi, J.N. Pagaduan, A. Datar, R. Katsumata, T. Emrick, A. Ramasubramaniam, D. Naveh, M. Barnes*, “Polarization-Driven Asymmetric Electronic Response of Monolayer Graphene to Polymer Zwitterions Probed from Both Sides,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 40, 47945–47953 (2021). [DOI] (+equally contributing authors)


A.M. Mineo, M.E. Buck, and R. Katsumata*, “Molecular Design of Polymer Coatings Capable of Photo-triggered Stress Relaxation via Dynamic Covalent Bond Exchange,” J. Polym. Sci., 59, 22, 2719-2729 (2021). [DOI] (Invited submission for Young Investigator Special Issue and featured as a front cover)


J.N. Pagaduan, N. Hight-Huf, A. Datar, M. Barnes, D. Naveh, A. Ramasubramaniam*, R. Katsumata*, and T. Emrick*, “Electronic Tuning of Monolayer Graphene with Polymeric “Zwitterists”,” ACS Nano, 15, 2762–2770 (2021). [DOI]

Before UMass


H. Papananou, R. Katsumata, Z. NearyUG, R. Goh, R. Limary, and R.A. Segalman*, “Dopamine mediated polymer coating facilitates area selective Atomic Layer Deposition,” ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 10, 4924–4931 (2021). [DOI]


Y. Zhang, C.A. D’Ambra, R. Katsumata, R.L. Burns, M.H. Somervell, R.A. Segalman, C.J. Hawker, and Christopher M. Bates*, “Rapid and Selective Deposition of Patterned Thin Films on Heterogeneous Substrates via Spin Coating,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 21177-21183 (2019). [DOI]


E. Thomas, E. Davidson, R. Katsumata, R.A. Segalman*, and M. Chabinyc*, “Branched Side Chains Govern Counterion Position and Doping Mechanism in Conjugated Polythiophenes,” ACS Macro Letters, 7, 1492-1497 (2018). [DOI]


R. Katsumata, A.R. DulaneyUG, C.B. Kim, and C.J. Ellison*, “Glass transition and in-plane self-diffusion of unentangled polymer melt nanoconfined by different interfaces,” Macromolecules, 51, 7509-7517 (2018). [DOI]


R. Katsumata, R. Limary, Y. Zhang, B.C. Popere, A.T. Heitsch, M. Li, P. Trefonas, and R.A. Segalman*, “Mussel-inspired strategy for stabilizing ultrathin polymer films and its application to spin-on doping of semiconductors,” Chem. Mater., 30, 5285-5292 (2018). [DOI]


A.R. Jones+, C.B. Kim+, S.X. Zhou, H. Ha, R. Katsumata, R.T. Bonnecaze, and C.J. Ellison*, “Generating large thermally stable Marangoni-driven topography in polymer films by stabilizing the surface energy gradient,” Macromolecules, 50, 4588-4596 (2017). [DOI] (+equally contributing authors)


C.B. Kim, J. Wistrom, H. Ha, S.X. Zhou, R. Katsumata, A.R. Jones, D.W. Janes, K.M. Miller, and C.J. Ellison*, “Marangoni instability driven surface relief grating in an Azobenzene containing polymer film,” Macromolecules, 49, 7069-7076(2016). [DOI]


K. Geng, R. Katsumata, X. Yu, H. Ha, A.R. DulaneyUG, C.J. Ellison, and O.K.C. Tsui*, “Conflicting confinement effects on the Tg, diffusivity and effective viscosity of polymer films: a case study with poly(isobutyl methacrylate) on silica and possible resolution,” Macromolecules, 50, 609-617 (2017). [DOI]


R. Katsumata, M. N. Yogeesh, H. WongUG, S.X. Zhou, S.M. Sirard, T. Huang, R.D. Piner, Z. Wu, W. Li, A.L. Lee, M.C. Carlson, M.J. Maher, D. Akinwande, and C.J. Ellison*, “Large area fabrication of graphene nanoribbons by wetting transparency-assisted block copolymer lithography,” Polymer, 110, 131-138 (2016). [DOI]


J.H. Cho+, R. Katsumata+, S.X. Zhou, C.B. Kim, A.R. DulaneyUG, D.W. Janes, and C.J. Ellison*, “Ultrasmooth, polydopamine modified surfaces for block copolymer nanopatterning on inert and flexible substrates,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (11), 7456-7463 (2016). (+equally contributing authors) [DOI]


J.M. Katzenstein, C.B. Kim, D.W. Janes, N.A. PriscoUG, R. Katsumata, Z. Li, G. Blachut, and C.J. Ellison*, “A photochemical approach to directing flow and stabilizing topography in polymer films,” Macromolecules, 47, 6804-6812 (2014). [DOI]


M.M. Mannarino, R. Katsumata, and G.C. Rutledge*, “Structural, mechanical, and tribological properties of electrospun poly(hexamethylene adipamide) fiber mats,” Wear, 305, 58–68 (2013). [DOI]


R. Katsumata, S. Ata, K. Kuboyama, and T. Ougizawa*, “Evaporation rate effect on starting point of shrinkage stress development during drying process in solvent cast polymer film,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 128, 60–65 (2013). [DOI]

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